TradeStation Help

Interval and Range Command Rules

Interval and Range commands change the bar interval or amount of data plotted on a chart or grid. Intra-day Interval commands (i.e. second, minute) may be combined with a number to indicate the duration of a bar interval for the selected data. A command with no number assumes the last specified duration value for the interval.


5 ticks
10 secs
30 min

Tick Ticks
Second Secs
Minute Mins
Shares Daily
Weekly Monthly

Range commands indicate the number of bars, days, weeks, months, or years of data to load. A command with no number assumes the last specified range value.


5 bars
10 days
2 month
1 year

Bar Bars
Day Days
Week Weeks
Month Months
Year Years
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Enter a Command on the Command Line

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