TradeStation Help
Format Symbol - Settings
The Settings tab allows you to format the
symbol settings for a chart. Symbol settings include selecting the desired
interval or chart type, customizing the interval and range settings, and
selecting the appropriate time zone. Once you have made the changes to your
settings, the changes can be set as a default for future charts. You can
format the symbol when you initially create the chart or after you've
created it. If you create the chart without using the Settings tab, the
chart will be created using the predefined default settings.
access the Format Symbol dialog automatically after a chart has been created,
use the View > Chart Analysis Preferences Menu bar sequence. On the
General tab, select the Prompt for format when creating new Chart Analysis
window check box and click OK.
Access using the menu bar Format
> Symbol menu sequence and select the Settings
- Symbol
- Matches the active symbol displayed in the analysis window and in
the order bar. The drop-down list displays the most recent symbols
used in the active chart. To change the symbol, select the desired
symbol from the drop-down list.
- Lookup
- Launches the About Symbol Lookup.
Select Interval (activity and time types) 
Contains the interval types for tick
bars, volume bars, second bars, minute bars,
daily bars, weekly
bars, and monthly
bars. The options available are dependent upon the data interval that
you choose, therefore the interval settings and range will change based
on the interval selected. For more information on the different types
of charts, see Chart Types.
- Tick - Specifies the
number of trades or transactions that make up every bar. Type the desired number of ticks in the Tick Bar
- Volume - Specifies the
number of shares or contracts that are traded with every bar. Type the desired number of shares/contracts
in the Share Bar box.
- Second - Specifies
the bar time interval in seconds. Type
the desired number of seconds in the Second Bar box.
- Minute - Specifies the bar time interval in minutes. Type the desired number of minutes in the Minute Bar box.
VIDEO - What are seconds-based intervals and how are they used in TradeStation?
Learn about using seconds-based intervals to find new perspectives on the market and make every second count.
For Daily,
Weekly, and Monthly interval types, only regular sessions can be used.
Interval settings are disabled allowing you the flexibility of customizing
the desired Range settings for the selected symbol. See Scaling tab for information on the subgraph setting.
- Daily - Displays the
trading activity for each day which is based on the asset type selected.
- Weekly - Displays the
trading activity for each week which is based on the asset type selected.
- Monthly - Displays the
trading activity for each month which is based on the asset type selected.
Interval Settings (activity and time
Contains the interval settings for tick
bars, volume bars, second bars, minute bars,
daily bars, weekly
bars, and monthly
- For volume, use - Specifies
the type of value to use for volume calculations.
- Trade Vol - Specifies
the number of shares/contracts that change hands during the trading
- Tick Count - Specifies
the number of trades that occur during the trading session.
- For bar building, use
- Specifies how the bars are plotted on the chart.
- Session Hours -
Displays the trading hours for the current day.
- Natural Hours -
Displays an imitation session start time of midnight (0:00) to
create a predictable interval alignment regardless of a symbols
actual session start time. Natural hours are used when plotting
multiple symbol types (bonds, stocks, etc.) on a multi-data chart,
as each symbol's session start hours may differ. For more information,
see .
Select Interval (price types)

Contains the interval types for Kagi,
Kase Bar, Line
Break, Momentum Bar, Point
& Figure, Range Bar,
and Renko charts.
Interval Settings (price types) 
Contains the interval settings for Kagi,
Kase Bar, Line Break, Momentum Bar, Point
& Figure, Range Bar,
and Renko charts.
- Reversal (Kagi) - Enter
the amount that will return the integer value it will represent in
the Reversal Amount ($) box. Enter the value that will correspond
with the selected interval in the Using box. For more information,
see Kagi Chart.
- Target Range (Kase)
- Enter the amount that will return the integer value it will represent
in the Range Target ($) box. Enter the value that will correspond
with the selected interval in the Using box. For more information,
see Kase Bar Chart.
- Line Break (Line Break)
- Enter the amount that will return the integer value it will represent
in Line Breaks box. Enter the value that will correspond with the
selected interval in the Using box. For more information, see Line
Break Chart.
- Range (Momentum &
Range) - Enter the amount that will return the integer value it will
represent in the Range Amount ($) box. Enter the value that will correspond
with the selected interval in the Using box. For more information,
see Momentum Bar Chart and
Range Bar Chart.
- Box Size/Reversal (Point
& Figure) - Enter the in the box size
box. Make sure that the box size does not exceed the price scale precision
or rounding errors may occur. Enter the
in the reversal box and select the data interval to use for the chart
from the using drop-down list. For more information, see Point
& Figure Chart.
- Brick Size
/Brick Offset
(Renko) -
Select the Classic, Mean, or Custom Renko chart. Enter the amount that will return the integer value it will
represent in the Brick Size box. For a Custom Renko chart, enter the amount that
will return the integer value it will represent in the Brick Offset
box. For more information,
see Renko Chart.
Contains a span of time in which you are able to set a criteria to be
used for charting. Range is used for interval and chart types. Depending
on the interval and chart type selected, range options differ.
you are working in a multi-data chart, the Format Symbols window provides
a listing of symbols you plotted in Data1, Data2, etc., format. Select
the desired symbol to edit, and click Format to launch the Format Symbol
[symbol] window. For more information, see Specifying
the Date Range.
- Last Date - Allows you
to base the chart range using an ending date. With this method, you
don't have to calculate the number of bars or days back that you want
to plot.
- Time Span -Specifies
a time span measured in days, weeks, months and years (depending on
the selected data interval) to plot back from a specific date. Time
span measured in days will not include non-trading days. Type the
number in the Number box and select the desired prior duration from
the drop-down list. Days back can not be used for Tick and Volume
interval types.
- Bars Back - Specifies
the number of bars to plot back from a specific date.
- First Date - Allows you
to base the chart range using a beginning date. With this method,
you don't have to calculate the number of bars or days back that you
want to plot.
- Apply time-based Range settings
to all data series - Check this setting to apply the
selected range settings to a multi-data chart. This feature allows
you to change the range setting simultaneously for all charts plotted
in the active Chart Analysis window.
Contains the Local and Exchange time zones that can be selected.
- Time Zone - Specifies
a region of time used to plot the chart.
- Local - Pertains
to the region in which you reside.
- Exchange - Pertains
to the New York Stock Exchange time zone.
as Default - Check this setting to save any changes that you
made as your default.
OK to apply changes or Cancel
to exit without changes.
Time-Based Chart
Kagi Chart
Kase Bar Chart
Line Break Chart
Momentum Bar Chart
Point & Figure Chart
Range Bar Chart
Renko Chart