TradeStation Help
Insert Analysis Technique - Indicator, ShowMe, PaintBar (RadarScreen)
The Insert Analysis Technique dialog allows you to choose an analysis technique to apply to the active RadarScreen window.
Access using the menu bar Insert > Indicator, ShowMe, or PaintBar menu sequence.
- Select Analysis Type - Displays the types of analysis techniques that are available to be inserted into the active RadarScreen window by using the drop-down list.
Contains the analysis techniques that can be inserted into the active RadarScreen window.
- Select the desired analysis technique to insert as a column. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple selections simultaneously.
Contains the analysis techniques that are currently displayed (as columns) in the active RadarScreen window.
- Select the desired analysis technique to be moved from the active RadarScreen's column. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple selections simultaneously.
- Add - Adds the selected analysis technique from the Available list to the Selected list.
- Remove - Removes the selected analysis technique from the Selected list to the Available list. This will remove the analysis technique from the active RadarScreen window.
- Definition - Launches the selected analysis technique's Help page.
- Edit EasyLanguage - Displays the selected analysis technique in the TradeStation Development Environment.
- Import - Imports an indicator from the internet or an external file using TradingApp Store or Import/Export wizard.
- Move Up/Move Down - Changes the sort criteria in how the analysis techniques are sorted (from left to right) on the active RadarScreen window.
- Format - Changes the format settings for the selected analysis technique. The Format Analysis Technique dialog is displayed.
- Add from TradingApp Store - Accesses your product's subscriptions from the My TradingApp Store Subscriptions dialog.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.