TradeStation Help
Format Position Graph Bar - Positions
The Positions tab allows you to change the Position Graph Bar settings.
From the Position Graph Bar menu, select Format Position Graph Bar and click the Positions tab.
Position Graph Filters 
Contains filters for the accounts and positions that are currently displayed in the Position Graph Bar.
- All Accounts - Displays position graphs from all of your TradeStation accounts.
- All Equities/Options Accounts - Displays position graphs only from your TradeStation equities and options accounts.
- All Futures Accounts - Displays position graphs only from your TradeStation futures accounts.
- All Forex Accounts - Displays position graphs only from your TradeStation forex accounts.
- Custom list of accounts - Displays position graphs only from those TradeStation accounts you've selected.
- All Positions - Displays all position graphs from the specified TradeStation accounts.
- Only Positions Opened Today - Displays position graphs only for positions opened today from the specified TradeStation accounts.
- Custom list of positions - Displays position graphs for user specified positions from the specified TradeStation accounts.
Contains the sort preferences and how positions are sorted in the Position Graph Bar.
- Sort based on - Select the desired option to determine how you want to sort the position graphs, from left to right.
- Keep positions sorted every - Check this setting to select how frequently the positions re-sort.
Position Graph Settings 
Contains the settings for P/L values, positions and scaling for the Position Graph Bar.
- Show [] P/L values as - Select the desired position setting from the drop-down list.
- Account Currency - Displays P/L values in the currency of your account.
- Percent - Displays P/L values as a percentage.
- Symbol Currency - Displays P/L values in the currency of the symbol.
- Show P/L currency sign - Check this setting to display the P/L currency sign in the Position Graph Bar.
- Show Flat Positions - Check this setting to display positions that have been closed during the day in the Position Graph Bar. Intraday flat positions can be viewed in the TradeManager - Positions tab.
Flat positions are differentiated from the open and short positions by color, and by a preceding null (Ø) sign (located left of the symbol). The closed P/L for the current trading session with the maximum run up and draw down are displayed for each flat position graph bar. To change the colors for the flat positions, see Format TradeManager Window - Color.
- Shared Scaling - Check this setting to use the same relative currency or percent scale for each position graph. When using shared scaling, Current Profit/Loss is plotted in proportion to the total Maximum Run Up/Maximum Draw Down for all of your open positions.
- Max Number of positions to display - Choose how many positions to show in the Position Graph Bar.
Position Graph Size 
Contains the position graph size setting for the position graph text, width, and spacing.
- Text Size - Select the desired text size.
- Graph Width - Select the desired width of the position graphs.
- Spacing between graphs - Select the desired spacing between graphs.

Set as Default for new desktops - Check this setting to use any changes that you made as your default for new desktops.

Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.