TradeStation Help
Format Window - General (Market Depth, Quick Trade Bar)
The General tab allows you to format the properties of the active Market Depth and Quick Trade Bar windows.
Access using the menu bar Format > Window menu sequence and select the General tab.
Displays how orders and positions are displayed in the active window.
- Show open orders using ... - Check this setting to display open orders for the active symbol based on either Order # or Route as the ID.
- Show Position - Check this setting to display the market position for the active symbol.
- Size divided by 100 (for stocks only) - Check this setting to display the size in lots of 100, rather than the actual number of shares. For example, if you select this check box, 5,000 shares of stock ABC will display as 50 lots (50 * 100 shares = 5,000 shares).
- Display only significant digits - Check this setting to only display two decimal places in the price, bid and ask columns.
- Maximum color levels in Summary and Graph - Enter the maximum number of color levels to display in the Summary and Graph panes.
- Graph window style - Use the drop-down list to select the graph type to display in the graph pane.
Scroll Bars 
Changes the Trade Bar and Advanced Bar scroll bar settings for the active window.
- Off - Removes the scroll bar from the active window.
- On - Displays the scroll bar to the active window.
Set as Default - Check this setting to save any changes that you made as your default.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.