TradeStation Help
Matrix Preferences - General
The General tab allows you to set the preferences for the window, using the mouse and auto centering features when placing orders in the Matrix window.
Access using the menu bar View > Matrix Preferences menu sequence and select the General tab.
Window activation 
Contains the window activation settings when placing an order.
- Enable order placement on click even if the window is not active - Check this setting to allow an order to be placed when a Bid, Ask, or Open P/L cell is clicked in a Matrix window, even if the window is not active.
Without this setting checked, you'll first need to click anywhere in the Matrix window to make it active and then click in the appropriate Bid, Ask, or Open P/L order cell.
Contains the type of mouse clicks that will place an order in a Bid, Ask, or Open P/L cell. Provides the conditions used to automatically center the last price.
- Single Click - Down Click - Select this setting for orders to be placed on the down click of the left mouse button. Down Click is the action of clicking down on the left mouse button without needing to release it. This is different than the standard Click where you must release the left mouse button for Windows to recognize the Click action.
Be aware that this setting makes it very easy for a single click in the Matrix window to place an order, so extra care may be needed to avoid placing unexpected orders.
- Single Click - Up Click - Select this setting for orders to be placed after the left mouse button is pressed and released. This is the standard way that Windows handles most mouse clicks.
- Double Click - Select this setting for orders to be placed after the left mouse button is pressed and released twice in rapid succession.
Auto centering 
Controls the number of increments that a price moves away from the center of the Matrix window.
- Attempt to center - Enter or select the number of seconds to delay before auto centering.
- Center when price moves +/- - Enter or select the number of rows that price must move up/down before auto centering.
- Snap to Center - Select this setting for the active Matrix window to auto center in one action.
- Scroll to Center - Select this setting for the active Matrix window to auto center in a slower scrolling action. Drag the bar to the desired speed.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.