TradeStation Help
In TradeStation, simulated trading involves using special simulated accounts to place trades and track simulated positions. The TradeStation simulator allows you to try out platform features other than those you might typically utilize such as strategy automation, advanced orders, and alternate market types.
Simulated trading may only be done on symbols associated with your real time data entitlements. In addition, TradeStation clients always have the option of choosing Live Trading to place real trades and establish actual positions in the marketplace using funded brokerage accounts.
trading accounts do not represent real money or real positions. The simulated
environment is designed to let you practice using different trading approaches,
platform tools, and markets. To perform Live Trading, you need to exit
the simulator and logon by selecting Live Trading.
to Logging into TradeStation for instructions on selecting simulated trading during
the logon process.
You can exit from simulated trading in one of several ways, including:
There are several ways for you to know whether you are using the simulator for placing trades.
From the Menu bar, click File > Manage Simulated Accounts... to access the Manage Your Simulated Trading Accounts page on the TradeStation support site where you can manage your simulated trading accounts. Here you can add 'funds' to each of your simulated accounts or you can reset any of your accounts to a specific starting balance. For more information see Managing Simulated Accounts.