TradeStation Portfolio Maestro

About the Performance Report

The Performance Report contains tabs for several key performance ratios of the portfolio. The detailed performance analysis presented on this page represents the performance of the entire portfolio. The information contained closely resembles information found in the TradeStation Strategy Performance Report.

The Performance Report consists of the following sections:

Summary Tab

Trade Analysis Tab

The Trade Analysis tab contains Strategy Analysis, Trade Analysis, Efficiency Analysis and Statistical Analysis.

Strategy Analysis

Trade Analysis

Trade Analysis includes Average and Standard Deviation from Average Run-up in the selected currency and in %. The same is for Drawdown.

Efficiency Analysis

Efficiency Analysis includes Average and Standard Deviation from Average for Total, Entry and Exit Efficiency.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis includes t-Test and Significance. These values show if the performance of the strategy on the selected symbols and the portfolio as a whole is significantly better/worse than the performance of the underlying market(s).  

 Click the View/Hide button and select the desired symbols to view trade results for any symbols in the study.

Trades List Tab

This tab contains the list of all trades that occurred in the portfolio for the backtesting period. The information includes the date, time, symbol, type, price, quantity, commissions, profit, profit (%), strategy, signal name, total, entry and exit efficiency, drawdown and drawdown (%), run-up and run-up (%), high and low prices.

Equity-based Results tab consists of a two parts – Return Analysis and Equity Analysis. Both parts contain the following columns – Variables, Amount, Amount %, and Percent of Fixed Capital.

Equity Table Tab

Equity Table tab contains the following tabs:

 Click the View/Hide button and select the desired symbols to view trade results for any symbols in the study.

Periodical Returns

This section includes the daily, weekly, monthly and annually mark-to-market performance of the portfolio analyzed. Performance measures incorporated for each period include: Return, Return (%) and Return on Fixed (%).


Two drop-down menus allow selecting the graph for viewing. The drop-down menu located on the left is used to select the category of graph to view. The right drop-down menu allows selecting several charts available for each category. For more information, see Trades Graphs.


This section includes items such as the Portfolio Name, Date Range, Base Currency, Initial Capital, Risk Free Rate, Sharpe Ratio Period, Commissions and Slippage Settings, Input values for strategies, money management parameters, and Custom Session details (if set).