TradeStation Help
There are two types of window links available in TradeStation; symbol and interval. Within the symbol and interval link categories there is also a subset known as global links.
Windows linked with symbol links share symbol information. When the symbol is modified in one of the windows belonging to the group, the other windows in the group will update to use the same symbol.
For example, you have a Chart Analysis window and other analysis windows in your workspace for NOK and you link all of the windows using a symbol link. When you change the symbol in any of the windows, for example, the Chart Analysis window, the other linked windows will update to reflect data for the new symbol. For more information see Window Linking Rules.
Windows linked with interval links share interval information. When the interval is modified in one of the windows belonging to the group, the other windows in the group will update to use the same interval. Currently, the Chart Analysis window is the only window that supports interval links.
For example, consider a workspace containing six Chart Analysis windows for six different symbols, each using a 5-minute interval. Maybe you want to try a different compression with a test strategy and you want to change all of the 5-minute charts in the workspace to 1-minute charts. If you link these Chart Analysis windows with an interval link, when you update one of the charts to use a 1-minute interval, the rest of the linked charts will in turn reflect the new interval of 1-minute.
A Local Link Groups represented by a button with a flat left edge (local) and a colored body. A Local link sends and receives symbol or interval information to other windows with matching link groups (same color and flat-edge) within the same open workspace.
A Global Link Group is represented by a button with a curved left edge (global) and a colored body. A Global link sends and receives symbol or interval information to other windows with matching link groups (same color and curved-edge) in any open workspace.
A Local Listener Link is represented by a button with a flat left edge (local) and a listener icon. Local Listener links only receive symbol or interval changes from any other window within the same open workspace.
A Local Listener Link is represented by a button with a curved left edge (global) and a listener icon. Global Listener links only receive symbol or interval changes from any other window in any open workspace.