TradeStation Help
Format Symbol - Scaling
Use the Scaling tab to modify the scaling settings for the y-axis of
a symbol data in a Chart Analysis window. When applied to it's own sub-graph,
the y-axis displays values specific to the symbol data. To open the Format
Symbol window after creating a chart, use the View > Chart Analysis
Preferences menu sequence. On the General tab, check the Prompt for format setting.
Determines which axis to use for scaling
the data series and on which sub-graph to display the data series.
- Scale
On - Select Right Axis, Left Axix or
No Axis from the drop-down list to determine which axis will
be used for the symbol scale for the specified sub-graph.
- Sub-graph - Select the number
from the drop-down list to plot the actual symbol data. Hidden causes the symbol
data to not be displayed on any Sub-graph.
To toggle the display of the left/right price axis, use the menu bar
Format > Format menu sequence and select the General tab. This
does not affect the left or right vertical scaling that is applied
from the Format Symbol tab.
Shows whether to use Linear or Semi-log scaling for the specified axis.
- Linear
- Produces a scale with regularly spaced increments that represent
the same value. For example, a move from 12 to 14 would take up exactly
the same amount of vertical space as a move from 26 to 28. Another
way to look at it is that on a linear axis, each y-axis increment
of 1 point will be the equally close to each other increment.
- Semi-Log
- Produces a scale weighted towards the percent of change. For example,
a move from 16 to 18, which is an 11 percent increase, is given more
space on the scale than a move from 30 to 32, which is a 6 percent
increase. Another way to look at it is that on a semi-log axis,
the y-axis increments of 1 point at the top of the axis will be closer
together that the same 1 point increments at the bottom of the axis;
changing the scale type of the charted data.
Specifies how the scale range is determined
and whether to include additional factors in range scaling. Contains the
Automatic, Fixed and Movement Size range types.
- Automatic:
Scale Range Based On:
- Data Range
On Screen
- Entire Data Range
- Center
Last Price - Automatically places the last price at the
center of the y-axis for the symbol scale.
- Expand
Range to Include Analysis Techniques - to have the range
of analysis techniques applied on the symbol's sub-graph included
in the range calculation.
- Expand
Range to Include Account Open Order Lines - to have the
range of account open order lines on the symbol's sub-graph included
in the range calculation.
- Sub-graph
Margins - Allows you to enter a value
of how much additional space to display at the top and bottom
of the indicator's sub-graph based on a percentage of the sub-graph
size for each of the top and bottom margins.
- Percent Below/Above Last
- Percent Below - Enter the desired value
for the below percentage
to be used to set the range in the appropriate % box.
- Percent Above - Enter the desired value
for the above the last
price percentage to be used to set the range in the appropriate
% box.
- Fixed - Sets a specific minimum
and maximum data value
to be used to determine the range of a sub-graph.
- Movement Size - Enter the desired
value for the approximate screen size (inches or centimeters) that
will represent a specified number of price points.
Customizes the axis increments and formats
the displayed values.
- Custom
Axis Increment - Enter the desired number of points
to specify y-axis increment spacing. Numbers may not appear next
to each increment marker since number spacing is automatically
determined based on chart and screen size.
- Custom
Decimal Places - Enter the desired number of decimal
places to use for each displayed y-axis data number.
- Divide
Axis Labels by - Displays y-axis numbers based on the raw
data value divided by selected value.
- Use
1000s Separator(,) - Specifies whether y-axis numbers are
displayed with or without a separator symbol. (i.e. 11,231 vs 11231).
Set as Default - Check this setting
to use the above settings as your default for other symbols. This
option is only available for EasyLanguage documents.
OK to apply changes or Cancel
to exit without changes.
Related Topic
Scaling in Price Charts