TradeStation Help
Formatting Analysis Technique Columns in RadarScreen
You can format the general, inputs, alerts, style, and color properties for RadarScreen and OptionStation columns. When formatting Analysis Techniques in the RadarScreen and OptionStation window, you can format a specific column for a specific symbol or a specific column for all symbols.
- Activate a RadarScreen containing a technique.
- Select the analysis technique that you want to format.
- From the Menu bar, click the appropriate formatting option that you want to use.
- Format - Analysis Technique - [column name] for [symbol] - Formats a specific column for a specific symbol.
- Format - Analysis Technique(s) - [column name] for All Symbols - Formats a specific column for all columns.
The Format Analysis Technique & Strategies dialog is displayed and allows you to select which analysis techniques to display in a RadarScreen page, change the order in which the columns appear, and view the definition for a column.
- Click Format to format the general, inputs, style, and color settings for an analysis technique. The Format Indicator dialog is displayed.
- Click the desired tab that you want to format for specific instructions.
- Click OK when finished.