TradeStation Help
Buying to Cover for Equities
To cover short positions, you must enable the Order Bar for short selling. For instructions, see Enabling Short Selling Preference.
What would you like to do?
Place a Buy to Cover Limit Order
Place a Buy to Cover at Market Order
Place a Buy to Cover Stop Market Order
Place a Buy to Cover Stop Limit Order
Placing a Buy to Cover Limit Order
- Enter the symbol for which you want to place an order in the Symbol box.
- Select the number of shares or dollar amount for your order using the
in the Quantity box. Click # or $ to specify whether the Quantity field refers to the number of share/contracts or a dollar amount.
- Set your limit price for your order using the
in the Limit Price box. Click Auto to use the Auto Price feature.
- Select Limit from the Order Type drop-down list.
- Select the desired route to use for your order from the Route drop-down list.
- Select the desired length of time or which you want your order to be valid from the Duration drop-down list.
- Select the account to use in settlement of your order from the Account No. drop-down list.
- Click Buy to Cover.
- Click Yes to send the order or No to cancel the order in the dialog.
You can disable the Confirm dialog if you do not wish to confirm your order before placing it. For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Order Confirmations.
Placing a Buy to Cover at Market Order
- Enter the symbol for which you want to place an order in the Symbol box.
- Select the number of shares or dollar amount for your order using the
in the Quantity box. Click # or $ to specify whether the Quantity field refers to the number of share/contracts or a dollar amount.
- Select Market from the Order Type drop-down list.
- Select the desired route to use for your order from the Route drop-down list.
- Select the desired length of time or which you want your order to be valid from the Duration drop-down list.
- Select the account to use in settlement of your order from the Account No. drop-down list.
- Click Buy to Cover.
- Click Yes to send the order or No to cancel the order in the dialog.
You can disable the Confirm dialog if you do not wish to confirm your order before placing it. For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Order Confirmations.
Placing a Buy to Cover Stop Market Order
- Enter the symbol for which you want to place an order in the Symbol box.
- Select the number of shares or dollar amount for your order using the
in the Quantity box. Click # or $ to specify whether the Quantity field refers to the number of share/contracts or a dollar amount.
- Select Stop Market from the Order Type drop-down list.
- Enter your stop price for your order to adjust the price using the
in the Stop Price box.
- Select the desired route to use for your order from the Route drop-down list.
- Select the desired length of time or which you want your order to be valid from the Duration drop-down list.
- Select the account to use in settlement of your order from the Account No. drop-down list.
- Click Buy to Cover.
- Click Yes to send the order or No to cancel the order in the dialog.
You can disable the Confirm dialog if you do not wish to confirm your order before placing it. For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Order Confirmations.
Placing a Buy to Cover Stop Limit Order
- Enter the symbol for which you want to place an order in the Symbol box.
- Select the number of shares or dollar amount for your order using the
in the Quantity box. Click # or $ to specify whether the Quantity field refers to the number of share/contracts or a dollar amount.
- Select Stop Limit from the Order Type drop-down list.
- Enter your limit price using the
to adjust the price in the Limit box.
- Enter your stop price using the
to adjust the price in the Stop box.
- Select the desired route to use for your order from the Route drop-down list.
- Select the desired length of time or which you want your order to be valid from the Duration drop-down list.
- Select the account to use in settlement of your order from the Account No. drop-down list.
- Click Buy to Cover.
- Click Yes to send the order or No to cancel the order in the dialog.
You can disable the Confirm dialog if you do not wish to confirm your order before placing it. for more information, see Enabling and Disabling Order Confirmations.