TradeStation Help
Format Analysis Technique - Scaling
The Scaling tab is used to modify the scaling settings for the y-axis of an analysis technique in the active Chart Analysis window. When applied to it's own sub-graph, the y-axis displays values specific to the analysis technique.
If the indicator values fall within the same range as the price data, you should overlay it on the price data. If they do not, you should plot it in a separate subgraph. The Scaling tab is only available when using indicators.
Access using the menu bar Format > Analysis Techniques menu sequence and select Format > Scaling tab.
- Scale On - Select the axis location from the drop-down list to determine which axis will be used for the analysis technique scale.
- Same Axis As Underlying Data - Check this setting for the analysis technique to plot on the sub-graph associated with the default data stream (symbol). The other options on the Scaling tab will be grayed out since they are not active with this setting.
- Right Axis, Left Axis, or No Axis - Check the desired setting to select the side of the specified sub-graph on which to display the analysis technique axis scale.
- Sub-graph - Check this setting to select the number to plot the actual analysis technique. Hidden will cause the analysis technique to be hidden on any Sub-graph.
Scale Type 
Changes the scale type of the charted data.
- Linear - Check this setting to produce a scale with regularly spaced increments that represent the same value. For example, a move from 12 to 14 would take up exactly the same amount of vertical space as a move from 26 to 28. The y-axis increment of 1 point will be the equally close to each other increment.
- Semi-Log - Check this setting to produce a scale weighted towards the percent of change. For example, a move from 16 to 18, which is an 11 percent increase, is given more space on the scale than a move from 30 to 32, which is a 6 percent increase. The y-axis increments of 1 point at the top of the axis will be closer together that the same 1 point increments at the bottom of the axis.
Scale Range 
Changes the scale range of the charted data.
- Automatic: Scale Range Based On - Check this setting to select the desired scale from the drop-down list based on the Data Range On Screen or the Entire Data Range.
- Sub-graph Margins - Check this setting to specify additional space to display at the top and bottom of the analysis technique's sub-graph based on a percentage of the sub-graph size for each of the top and bottom margins. Enter the values in the Lower/Upper boxes.
- Fixed - Check this setting to specify a minimum and maximum data value to use which determines the range of the sub-graph. Enter the values in the Min/Max boxes. You can click and drag the bars up/down in Fixed mode to automatically adjust the Min and Max range values.
- Movement Size - Check this setting to specify the approximate screen size (inches or centimeters) that will represent a specified number of price points.
- Custom Axis Increment - Check this setting to enter number of points to specify y-axis increment spacing. Numbers may not appear next to each increment marker since number spacing is automatically determined based on chart and screen size.
- Custom Decimal Places - Check this setting to enter the number of decimal places to use for each displayed y-axis data number.
- Divide Axis Labels by - Check this setting to display y-axis numbers based on the raw data value divided by selected value from the drop-down list.
- Use 1000s Separator (,) - Check this setting to specify whether y-axis numbers are displayed with or without a separator symbol. (i.e. 11,231 vs 11231).
Default - Sets any changes that you made as your default setting.
Edit EasyLanguage - Launches the TradeStation Development Environment. If disabled, the option to edit an analysis technique in the TradeStation Development Environment is not available.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.