FastSymbolLookupComboBox Class

Allows you to display a custom comboBox that supports easy selection of symbols of the specified category..



  Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property Category enum

Gets or sets a value indicating the specific security types to be retrieved. See FastSymbolLookupCategory for a list.


Note: When Category is set to FastSymbolLookupCategory.All, the combobox will show indices that begin with a "$", continuous futures contracts that begin with an "@" sign, and stocks, but not options or futures that are not continuous. To see options symbols, set Category to FastSymbolLookupCategory.Option. To see futures, set Category to FastSymbolLookupCategory.Future.

  Name Description
Public property Create() Creates a new instance of the control.
Public property Create(text,width,height) Creates a new instance of the control.  Parameters include the text to appear on the title bar followed by the width and height of the control.