Control Class

A base class from which other forms controls classes are derived.  



   Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property Anchor enum Gets or sets the boundary of the parent container to which the control is anchored. See AnchorStyles for a list of possible values.
Public property AutoSize bool True indicates that the control that is inherited from this class should resize itself based upon its contents.
Public property BackColor object Gets or sets the background Color of a control.
Public property BackgroundImage object Gets or sets the background Image displayed in the control.
Public property BackgroundImageLayout enum Gets or sets how the BackgroundImage is oriented in the control. See ImageLayout for a list of values.
Public property CanFocus bool True indicates that the control can receive focus.
Public property ContainsFocus bool True if the control, or one of its child controls, currently has the input focus.
Public property ControlLocation object Gets or sets the position of a control as a Point object.
Public property Controls object Gets a collection of Control objects.
Public property Dock object Gets or sets how a control is docked. See DockStyle for a list of values.
Public property EffectiveBackColor object Gets the back Color actually being used.
Public property EffectiveForeColor object Gets the fore Color actually being used.
Public property Enabled bool Gets or sets a value indicating if control can respond to user interaction.
Public property Focused bool True if the control has input focus.
Public property Font object Gets of sets the Font used to display text for a control.
Public property ForeColor object Gets or sets the foreground Color of a control.
Public property Height int Gets or sets the height of a control.
Public property Margin object Gets or sets the space between controls. See Padding.
Public property Padding object Gets or sets Padding within the control.
Public property RightToLeft enum Gets or sets the text plotting direction. See RightToLeft for a list of values.
Public property TabIndex int Gets or sets the tab order of the control within its container.
Public property TabStop bool True indicates that the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key.
Public property Tag object Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about a control.
Public property Text string Gets or sets the text displayed in a control.
Public property UseTheme enum Gets or sets the theme mode. See UseThemeMode for a list of values.
Public property UseWaitCursor bool True to use the wait cursor for the current control and all child controls.
Public property Visible bool Gets or sets a value indicating if control and its child controls are displayed.
Public property Width int Gets or sets the width of a control.
  Name Description
Public property BringToFront() Brings the control to the front of the z-order.
Public property FindForm() Returns the form object in which the control is inserted or null if not inserted in any form.
Public property Focus() Gives input focus to the control. Returns true if the control successfully received input focus.
Public property GetParent() Gets the parent object of a control.
Public property Location(x,y) Sets the x,y position of the control within its container.
Public property PointToClient(p) Computes the location of the specified screen Point into client coordinates.
Public property PointToScreen(p) Computes the location of the specified client Point into screen coordinates
  Name Description
Public event


Occurs when the control is clicked.

Public event


Occurs when the control receives focus. Not all controls support the GotFocus event. Note: Do not attempt to set the focus within GotFocus or LostFocus event handlers.

Public event


Occurs when the control loses focus. Not all controls support the LostFocus event. Note: Do not attempt to set the focus within GotFocus or LostFocus event handlers.

Public event


Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse. See: MouseEventArgs.

Public event


Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.

Public event


Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.

Public event


Occurs when the value of the Visible property changes.