DOPoint Class

Defines the type of point and price value associated with a drawing object.

The following describe the three different types of points used to determine the position of a drawing object relative to the data in chart:

  • BNPoint - Used to define a drawing object point based on a bar number and a price value. Objects positioned with a BNPoint will move along with the bars they are anchored to.
  • DTPoint - Used to define a drawing object point based on a bar date/time stamp and a price value. Objects positioned with a DTPoint will move along with the bars they are anchored to.
  • XYPoint - Used to define a drawing object (Ellipse, Rectangle, or Text) point based on a chart X and Y location (relative to the upper left corner of the chart window). Objects positioned with an XYPoint will not move when the bars are scrolled.

Namespace: elsystem.drawingobjects


   Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property PointType object Gets a PointType object.
Public property Price double Gets or sets a double value for Price.
  Name Description
Public property GetPrice Initializes a new instance of the class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

