Zooming In/Out Within a Chart

The zoom in feature lets you to quickly magnify a portion of a chart so you can study it more closely.

  1. Activate a Chart Analysis window.
  2. Hover your mouse pointer over the time axis at the bottom of the chart analysis window to display the floating tool buttons.
  3. Click . The pointer changes to a magnifying glass.
  4. Position your pointer at the upper left corner of the portion of the chart you want to enlarge.
  5. Drag the pointer to the lower right corner of the portion of the chart you want to enlarge.
  6. Release the mouse button.
  7. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to zoom in even closer.

To zoom out, click . If you zoomed in several times, click once for each time you zoomed in.  

Related Topics

Floating Tool Buttons

About Chart Analysis