TradeStation Help

Running or Scheduling a Backup Job

In order to run a backup job, a Backup Configuration must first be created. Each named Backup Configuration contains the user selected settings for a backup job so that you can easily access and schedule different backups for specific purposes. See TradeStation Backup for more information.

Manually Run a Backup Job

  1. From the Menu bar, click File > Backup/Restore TradeStation > Backup TradeStation. The TradeStation Backup dialog is displayed.
  2. From the Backup configurations field, select a time interval.
  3. In the Status column, verify that a check mark exists next to each component to be included in the backup job.
  4. Click Start Backup to run the selected backup job.

    The TradeStation Backup dialog is displayed informing you that running a backup job will temporarily suspend normal operation.
  5. Click Continue for the backup job to automatically begin within 5 minutes. Click Cancel if you do not want the backup process to continue. The TradeStation Backup Status window displays the back up process.

If TradeStation is open when a backup job is run, either manually or scheduled, the connection to the TradeStation data network will be closed and all TradeStation related processes will be stopped or frozen so that all necessary files can be included in the archive. During the backup process, windows will not update, alerts will not trigger, strategy automation will be suspended, and orders may not be placed. Once the backup job is complete, all open desktops and data network connections should return to their pre-backup state.

Automatically Run a Scheduled a Backup Job

  1. From the Menu bar, click File > Backup/Restore TradeStation > Backup TradeStation. The TradeStation Backup dialog is displayed.
  2. From the Backup configurations field, select a time interval.
  3. In the Status column, verify that a check mark exists next to each component to be included in the backup job.
  4. Click Close to save the backup configuration to automatically run at a later time.  
  5. To run, click Start Backup.

The TradeStation Backup Status dialog displays the back up process.

Related Topics

Restoring an Archived Backup File

TradeStation Backup/Restore Preferences