EasyLanguage Reserved Words & Functions

FormatDate (Reserved Word)

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This reserved word returns a formatted string expression representing the date portion of the specified DateTime value.

FormatDate("ddd MMM dd yy", dDateTime ));

Where "ddd" is the day of the week, "MMM is the month", "dd" is the day of the month, and "yy" is the year in the string format expression, and where. dDateTime is a double-precision decimal expression representing the Julian Date (since 1900) and time (since midnight)


If a specific date is entered for the numeric expression, it must be a valid Julian date between January 1, 1900 and February 28, 2150, expressed in DateTime format.


strVar =(FormatDate("ddd MMM dd yy",37561.61200));  //returns a value of "Fri Nov 01 02" for the specified DateTime of 37561.61200.

Print( FormatDate( "ddd MMM dd yy", ElDateToDateTime( Date ) ) );  //prints the current date in the format "Day Month Date Year".