EasyLanguage Reserved Words & Functions

EasyLanguage Colors and Corresponding Numeric Values

When working with analysis techniques or drawing objects using colors, you can specify any of the 16 named EasyLanguage colors listed below, using the name, EasyLanguage word, or numeric equivalent:

EasyLanguage color reserved word EasyLanguage RGB Value EasyLanguage legacy color value
Black 0 1
Blue 16711680 2
Cyan 16776960 3
Green 65280 4
Magenta 16711935 5
Red 255 6
Yellow 65535 7
White 16777215 8
DarkBlue 8388608 9
DarkCyan 8421376 10
DarkGreen 32768 11
DarkMagenta 8388736 12
DarkRed 128 13
DarkBrown 32896 14
DarkGray 8421504 15
LightGray 12632256 16


You also use the Colors class to get RGB values for the additional named colors or custom colors based on specified RGB values.