TradeStation Help

Supported Exchanges

The following table includes the exchanges supported by the TradeStation data network that may be referenced in the exchange field of a custom ASCII symbol file:

Short Name Exchange Name Exchange ID
AMEX American Stock Exchange 1
BOSX Boston Stock Exchange 2
CBOE Chicago Board Options Exchange 3
CHEX Chicago Stock Exchange 4
CBOT Chicago Board of Trade 5
CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange 6
CINN National Stock Exchange 7
COMEX Commodity Exchange 8
AMEM AMEX Emerging Market 9
FOREX Foreign Currency Exchange 41
TRF Trade Reporting Facility LLC 228
ISE International Securities Exchange 10
KCBT Kansas City Board of Trade 14
MGE Minneapolis Grain Exchange 17
NASDQ NASDAQ Global Market 18
NASDS NASDAQ Capital Market 19
NASGS NASDAQ Global Select Market 48
NASD National Association of Securities Dealers 42
NYSE New York Stock Exchange 22
NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange (CEC) 23
NYBOT New York Board of Trade 11
PACX Pacific Stock Exchange 28
OTCBB NASDAQ Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board 20
OTC NASDAQ Over-the-Counter Other/Foreign Equity 21
PBT Philadelphia Board of Trade 26
PHLX Philadelphia Stock Exchange 27
ONCH One Chicago 38
ARCX Archipelago Exchange 25
ADFN NASDAQ Alternative Display Facility 40
CBOEI CBOE Index Exchange 249
BOX Boston Options Exchange 250
TSE Toronto Stock Exchange 32
WCE Winnipeg Commodity Exchange 34
BATS BATS Trading 247
ALTIN Alternative Investment Index Ticker 254
OPRA Option Price Reporting Authority 29
FSE Frankfurt Stock Exchange 53
REFEX Reference Foreign Exchange Rates 54
EUWAX European Warrants Exchange 56
BERSE Berlin Stock Exchange 103
BRESE Bremen Stock Exchange 104
DUSSE Dusseldorf Stock Exchange 105
XETRA Xetra Stock Exchange 106
HAMSE Hamburg Stock Exchange 107
HANSE Hannover Stock Exchange 108
MUNSE Munich Stock Exchange 109
STUSE Stuttgart Stock Exchange 100
EUREX EUREX (Derivatives Exchange) 96
IEIS Irish Stock Exchange 150
HSE Helsinki Exchanges 98
ICE InterContinental Exchange 119
ENIX EuroNext Indices 43
ENID EuroNext Interest Rate Derivatives 44
ENED EuroNext Equity and Index Derivatives 45
ENCD EuroNext Commodities Derivatives 46
ENCC EuroNext Continental Commodities Derivatives 47
CBOE2 Chicago Board Options Exchange 2 246